Saturday, December 28, 2019

Inspector Drone

Inspector Drone Inspector Drone Inspector DroneDrones arent just for snooping, spying, stealth attacks from above, and pranks anymora. The oft-maligned technology is now in the business of saving lives, by going where humans cant go without taking on considerable risk. Industrial inspection is the niche that screams out for remotely operated aerial vehicles, as they are sometimes known. Jobs that once required people dangling from ropes, or atop precarious scaffolding, are now about as risky as playing a video game. In the UK the largest number of industrial fatalities comes from falls from heights, says Phil Buchan, a mechanical engineer and the commercial director of Cyberhawk, Aerial Inspection and Surveying Specialists. Our technique is reducing the need for people to work at height. That technique involves more than sending up a GoPro on a quadrocopter controlled by an early-adopting technophile. Cyberhawk uses two highly skilled employees for every job. One is a trained drone p ilot, the other a trained engineer. While the pilot controls the vehicle, the engineer controls the camera. The engineering half of the duo may have once been an inspector or may have been trained by Cyberhawk after graduating. Pilots might be hobbyists or may come from a military background. At Cyberhawk they go through four levels of training, with only level-four pilots sent out to inspect assets in complex harsh environments such as offshore oil platforms.Inspecting an offshore rig. Image Cyberhawk The cameras Cyberhawk use can look straight up and straight down, giving them an unrestricted view of whatever might need inspecting. We can fly under the deck of an oil platform and turn the camera and look directly up to inspect the underneath of the deck, says Buchan. Traditionally thats an area difficult to inspect, difficult to have access to. But these ogling RC aircraft do more than just reduce the need for dangling humans and associated risks. They can save industries serious money. For example, until now, checking a flare stack meant shutting down production. A flare stack typically has a large flame coming out of it, so you cant send someone up there to inspect it, says Buchan. We can do our inspection while the flare is online, and now we can do it every six months to monitor degradation. One supermajor oil and gas company said they saved $11 million by not having to shut down during such an inspection in Nigeria, thanks to a Cyberhawk team. After some 10,000 safe commercial flights in 20-odd countries, Cyberhawk has shown the world that drones are good business for cutting risk. In the U.S., though, regulations make that business a little more complicated. Ventus Wind had to ground their inspectors when the FAA outlawed all commercial drones. We were operating for about two and a half years without any problem, says Marco Zvanik, the companys CEO. It put us out of business. To get back in business, the company had to jump through a fair number of hoo ps. They had to apply for (and received) a section 333 exemption from the FAA all their pilots now have to be licensed pilots a spotter must accompany all the pilots for all flights the drones cannot fly out of the line of sight at any time and all drone flights have to be registered with air traffic control, days in advance. But however onerous these requirements might be, it does raise the bar for entry into the business, eliminating potential amateur competition. Whatever time and money the bureaucratic process might cost, Ventus Wind is still able to offer incredible savings to those in need of a thorough examination at a high altitude. Their cost for a single turbine inspection ($1,700) is a mere 15 percent of what it would cost to inspect in any other fashion. The price is likely to go downand efficiency upas drone technology improves. With current battery technology the drones cant stay up longer than 15 minutes. Ventus has recently put sensors on their drones to detect leaki ng methane, but any addition to the drone sucks up a huge percentage of a drones hauling capacity. There is a lot of hardware that works on the back of a truck but is impossible to use on a drone, says Zvanik. Advancements are needed on the software side of things too. You can capture all the great videos and infrared you want, but you have to be able covert that to a usable format and generate a report the asset owner can actually do something with, he says. However much room there may be for improvement, the drone inspection business is already saving money and saving skins. Just the other day I watched a helicopter dangling a man a 100 feet below, going from transmission tower to transmission tower looking at components, says Zvanik. Its like, ok, you can do that with a human, but you can do it a lot faster and with plenty less money using a drone. Michael Abrams is an independent writer. For Further Discussion A flare stack typically has a large flame coming out of it, so you c ant send someone up there to inspect it. We can do our inspection while the flare is online, and now we can do it every six months.Phil Buchan, commercial director, Cyberhawk

Monday, December 23, 2019

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

How to Sell Magazine Advertisements

How to Sell Magazine AdvertisementsHow to Sell Magazine AdvertisementsOn the surface, selling magazine advertisements doesnt seem much different from selling newspaper ads. While both are forms of print media, selling magazine ads may actually be more similar to selling TV advertisements for a couple of key reasons. If youre in magazine ad sales, its important to know the specifics about what youre selling to get a client to buy. Focus on Image As with television, magazine advertisements focus on the visual presentation. The photo, the colors used, the font type selected - those choices make a huge difference in the unwritten message a magazine ad sends to readers. A magazine advertising campaign has significant power to persuade people to buy products. That fact can be traktement to a client as an advantage over otherbei media. A newspaper ad doesnt have the same visual impact - its not as glossy and is often on a page with other ads or news stories which compete for readers ey es. Television has an impact, but the visuals are gone in a fleeting second. They dont hold attention like a magazine ad can. Readers Look at the Entire Issue A magazine reader, especially a subscriber, will likely flip through every page of an issue, as opposed to a newspaper reader who might toss aside entire sections. That means a magazine ad has the chance to be seen by every person who subscribes or picks up an issue at the newsstand. The attention span of a magazine reader is a top selling point to stress to an advertiser. Choose the Right Designer for Your Clients Ad The key is to create an advertisement that will get the reader to stop and read the words. Try to provide your tauglichkeit client with an ad designer who excels at print media as opposed to online, where the design needs are vastly different. For some buyers, a package deal that includes both print and online ads may have appeal. In those cases, be knowledgeable about the magazines online audience, and h ave metrics available about demographics, reach, time on site and page views. Again, make sure the ad designer or designers youre working with have experience with the type of ad youre selling the client. Target Audience One of the biggest benefits of magazine advertisements is that its easy for them to appear before a target audience. While a newspaper reaches a broad spectrum of people, a magazine is designed for people who have shared interests or values. It is critical that you have demographic information that you can show a potential ad buyer. For instance, while Good Housekeeping and Vogue are two magazines geared toward women, their audiences are very different. Know the average age and income of your readers, plus their typical interests beyond the magazine. To be successful, you have to know your magazines brand. The decisions that are made in your boardroom about how to position your publication against competitors on the newsstand provide the understanding you need i n the sales department. Meet with your editorial staff to get ideas on which advertisers will be best to target, especially if your magazine is in transition to appeal to a more desired group of people. But as a salesperson, be respectful of the boundaries between advertising and editorial. In order for a magazine or any media brand to retain a reputation for integrity, editorial content should be clearly delineated from (and not influenced by) ad sales. Long Shelf Life By its very nature, a daily newspaper has a limited window of relevance. Even a Sunday newspaper advertisement might miss the Monday-through-Friday readers. But a magazine ad can have value for the length of a current issue - a week, a month, even longer. So you can tell a prospective advertiser if sales dont skyrocket the moment the issue containing her ad is released, theres no need to worry. More people will be exposed to the advertisement with each passing day. Magazine advertisements can be one of the most e ffective ways to reach customers. As an ad sales expert, demonstrate that to potential clients to boost their bottom line and yours.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Can Recruiters Find YOU 5 Online Methods to Borrow

Can Recruiters Find YOU 5 Online Methods to BorrowCan Recruiters Find YOU 5 Online Methods to BorrowVeteran recruiter Joe Turner describes online routes to the short list when professional talent scouts are looking for candidates.I was a recruiter for more than 15 years, so job seekers often ask me for advice on how to meet recruiters and how to make working with recruiters a beneficial experience. My reply is not always what they want to hear Top recruiters dont want to meet you. They dont want you to call them, and they dont want you to send your resume to them.They are already wired into their own network of potential candidates in the fields they cover. If theyre doing their jobs correctly, they already know all the top candidates in their fields or know where to find them. In other words, if they want to meet you, theyll find you.But these are the people you want to meet These are the executive search firms that will introduce you to a company or corporate recruiters who want to fill open positions.There are ways you can increase the odds that they will find you. By making sure you are visible in the places recruiters look for new talent and by optimizing your profile to appear high in their search for candidates, you can increase the odds youll become one of those candidates recruiters in your field seek out.1. Build and update a LinkedIn profileIf youre not online, you dont exist. Thats the motto of many recruiters today. And for many of them, online means one place LinkedIn. According to a recent survey of U.S. hiring managers, 66 percent used LinkedIn to find job candidates for openings, 23 percent used Facebook, and 16 percent used Twitter.If you havent done so already, visit both LinkedIn and Facebook to establish a profile page that describes who you are. Keep it professional, but make it an expression of your professional personality. Whet the appetites of visitors to your page. Update it regularly.2. Advertise yourself with a Unique Selling Propos itionDescribe yourself with a brief sentence a Unique Selling Proposition. A USP is a one-sentence description that says who you are, what your biggest strength is and the greatest benefit you bring.For exampleHands-on Operations Manager with strong people and team-building skills who has helped produce revenues of $2.8 1000000 with a 22 percent margin for my previous employer.Place this sentence in your profile header as a starter to explain what distinguishes you from others in your field. Include your previous employers as well as the briefest descriptors about you.3. Add your LinkedIn profile URL to your resumeOnce youve built your profile, make sure you make it easy for recruiters and hiring managers to find you on the Web. Add this link directly to your resume right under your contact information.4. Ask for LinkedIn recommendationsAmassing recommendations is like stockpiling referrals before you need them. Once again, you want to make it easy for recruiters and hiring manager s. A great way to provide them with good feedback about your work is with LinkedIn recommendations. A recommendation is merely someone saying something good about you. Make a list of your past (and present) bosses, supervisors, colleagues and clients. If theyre on LinkedIn as well, they can provide you with a recommendation. Dont be afraid to ask, since most will be more than glad to do this for you. When theyre done, youll have a number of professional recommendations easily seen by anyone who visits your profile page.5. Make yourself an expertYou can also employ tools like LinkedIn and Facebook to extend your network. Youll find hundreds of groups on LinkedIn beyond the obvious ones dedicated to alumni and job search. With a little searching youll also find groups of people dedicated to the advancement or discussion of their particular profession or industry as well as people seeking solutions to specific problems.Recruiters will often monitor groups relevant to the industries in which they specialize and keep an eye on outstanding members. Once youre a member, you can initiate new discussion threads for others to join. You can ask and answer questions if members of the group deem your answer the most relevant or helpful, you gain visibility within the group. Recruiters definitely notice these people, since they prove to be the movers and shakers within their profession. They make the short list for a check on your profile and a potential e-mail or LinkedIn direct homilie to your inbox.Start with LinkedIn as a tool to gain the attention that will merit a call. Then you can move to incorporate both Facebook and Twitter into your job-search marketing.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

The Benefits of Executive Summary Resume Example

The Benefits of Executive Summary Resume Example For instance, the very first paragraph of your executive summary can receive the issue and the objective. It needs to compel the reader to read the rest of the summary. The very first paragraph ought to be the strongest aspect of the executive summary. You are able to easily produce an executive summary by merely reviewing and developing an overview of each parte of your organization plan. Executive Summary Resume Example - Is it a Scam? A massive collection of action verbs are available here. You may find plenty of great resume templates, however you will have to decide if theyre likely to help or hurt your odds of landing an interview. The 2 sections also utilize different bullet point styles. If you should, you may also add an expert summary section above the job history section to drive home your private brand. You will want to be cautious. Professionals with a broad selection of experience in a variety of fieldsAs a p rofessional, you can take advantage of an executive summary to provide the recruiter a general view of what is written in your resume. The report is designed to supply the executive board with background information to appraise the feasibility of a proposal theyve been requested to assess concerning the plan of a prosthetic knee joint. Ensure you put your present contact information, that is, your telephone number and email address. Vital Pieces of Executive Summary Resume Example There are lots of examples of executive summaries on the internet to guide you further. Others are going to read the summary to begin with to choose whether they read the remaining part of the program. An executive summary becomes a critical part of any geschftlicher umgang program, forming the synopsis of the important features and other highlights. The summary of your total advertising and marketing plan is necessary to be presented to your intended audience so that you can obtain their attention even if they havent fully seen the entirety of your documents discussion. The Pain of Executive Summary Resume Example You might also take a look at email advertising plan examples. You can also like digital marketing and advertising plan examples. You might also take a look at business advertising plan examples. You can also like strategic marketing and advertising plan examples. The Basics of Executive Summary Resume Example An executive summary is part of a company program that sums up all the information the company plan contains. It is the most important part of your business plan, but it need not be the hardest to write. Your executive summary is the secret to having your enterprise plan reviewed. Know the function of the advertising plan so that you may produce a necessary and appropriate executive summary. Perhaps you wont utilize words like gain a competitive edge or boost revenue in your statement. Some people might think that fancy is better, but in the even t of a prosperous executive resume, easy and professional is the best way to go. The same as reading a storybook, your resume need to have a very clear and orderly stream of information you will need to convey to the hiring party. You need to understand what a body template for fashion design is and the way it can assist you in your work. Your probability of getting the job will be dependent on how good or bad your resume is. On the flip side, the moment the work applicant has strong experience, there is not any need to depend on the academic training any longer and it doesnt need to get mentioned. Knowing the way to create an executive summary for an advertising program can provide you an easier time to create your target audience hooked into your ideas and actual plan of action. Thus it is vital for any candidate gearing up for his dream job to experience a number of content that are already offered. In developing a professional resume, you can stick to the format of nontr aditional resumes or you may also adhere to the simpler route and have a contemporary expert profile. A fundamental text editor free of charge, providing you a printable resume template. Choose whether you will use the format of contemporary resumes or that of a classic expert profile. You want the executive resume template. The resume sample has a strong ability to keep up a readers interest over the span of the whole document. Indeed, executive summaries are slightly complex due to its level of importance. The candidates resume is a fantastic illustration of clear and strategic formatting for the next reasons. The primary purpose of writing a good resume is to earn a possible employer interest in you. The Lost Secret of Executive Summary Resume Example An executive summary is just really necessary whenever youre sharing your organization plan with outsiders. It helps in crystallizing the business in your mind, and it will give you confidence. For example, utilize a se arch engine optimization executive resume template if youre applying in an information technology company, company, or industry where the work function which is going to be given to you, in case you be hired, including online content creation. A senior executive is a person who holds the highest degree of management in the organization. An executive summary is a brief statement at the summit of your resume that quickly summarizes what makes you the proper candidate for the job. Again, there are various kinds of executive resumes and you have to make sure the template you will follow is pertinent to the work post which you want to have. Show them why you could be excellent for the job. You also receive an absolutely free job interview tracker for a bonus.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The Chronicles of Resume Writing Guide Free

The Chronicles of Resume Writing Guide Free Job seekers deserve to locate decent content quickly. Writing a strong application is a challenging procedure and we would like to make it simpler. Based on the role, you could consider including your typing speed. Chronological resumes are excellent for clearly displaying your work or educational history and theyre a good selection for nearly any degree of experience. However much or what kind of work experience youve got, theres a resume format that is likely to make your qualifications shine. Life, Death and Resume Writing Guide Free Employees who are employed in management set a standard for the remainder of the team. Highly relevant knowledge in a field is the very first thing employers search for. Possessing a crystal clear and professional resume is critical in the medical field. Transportation jobs involve a great verstndigung im strafverfahren of responsibility and your resume will want to reflect you can deal with th at. Employing a custom resume instead of a generic one is going to greatly increase your probability of an interview, as youll be a better match in the view of the reader. The accounting and finance field contains a collection of jobs, so have a look at our cover letter examples to discover your job and learn the very best ways to structure your cover letter. Understanding how to tailor your resume will obviously provide you an advantage. Additionally, you may wind up in work that you cant do. Its possible that forfirst job resumes, its not essential for the applicant to have a thorough cover letter. however, it cannot go amiss when it has to do with applying for work. If its a prior job be sure to write your bullets in past tense. If youre attempting to obtain work in accounting or finance you require averystrong resume. Its also important to think about the sort of work you really wish to be hired to do. There are a lot of stylistic points to think about during the writ ing process. One of the absolute most important and intimidating actions in the work search procedure is writing a solid resume that gets the attention you need and need. There are three major introduction styles, all of them excellent in various situations. The Benefits of Resume Writing Guide Free You also ought to touch on the skills you possess, but you need to chat about how you will use them. Keep reading for ourtips and ideas on how to construct a functional resume to create a winning resume which encompasses every one of your skills, achievements and experiences related to the work vacancy. Learn about the three kinds of skills you are able to highlight and the way it is possible to incorporate them into your resume. Alongside your hard abilities, in addition, it is smart to describe your soft skills. What to Do About Resume Writing Guide Free Before It Is Too Late Tailoring your resume to suit a possible employer is just the same. The same as any resume, acover le tter has to be tailored to the particular role, company or sector youre applying for. Resume writing services offer you various packages and some also offer you additional mentoring or other job search and interviewing information that someone may benefit from to raise your professionalism and dependability.

Friday, November 29, 2019

7 ways women can find role models in honor of International Womens Day

7 ways women can find role models in honor of International Womens Day7 ways women can find role models in honor of International Womens DayWomen need role models who have already been there and done that because you cant be what you cant see. Here are my7 mainstream ways for women to find role models1. Read books written by female leadersThebest way to understand a concept or a person is to get totheroot. Read books and articlesontopics that interest you. If you find an individual you admire, read what they have written. Create a deeper understanding from where their ideas stem. binnenseek to understand their voice and their personal story. Someones background can shine lightonhow they managed their circumstances and ended up where they are today.2. Do some researchonthose women who inspire youThecyber world has more of a wealth of information than many can grasp. If you see someone that you admire, parse through their internet profiles. Seethematerial they present tothepublic and r esearch their life. You can learn a lot about a person through a simple Google search. Fortunately, today, many people publish their own contentonblogs and social media platforms that invitetheusers into their personal worldview.3. Attend networking events for powerful womenQuality role models are hard to come by, but with some investigating you can find leads. One ofthebest ways to find role models is to put yourself in situations where those around you are successful. Leadership conferences and conventions for your industry of choice are perfect hubs to hear various powerful voices inthefield and gauge your interest. Dont just pick a role model forthesake of picking one, but rather, find someone with whom you can relate and learn from their journey.4. Emulate qualities you like, but make them your ownWhen you find someone or a few people that you look up to, either physically or inthedigital realm, understand which qualities you admire about them. Is it their genuine and honest ap proach? Is it their ability to overcometheadversities of life? Whateverthecase, emulatethepositive qualities. Work to achieve these goals in your own life. By no means reject your true self, but incorporate your favorite qualities of your role model intothebest version of yourself. Be sure to put your own personal signatureonit as well.5. Watch YouTube videos and take notesThebest way to learn a task or quality is to watch others do it well. Take your education into your own handsthemodern way. Usetheweb, namely YouTube videos, to garner visual knowledgeona topic. If your role models have their own channel, even better. If not, just research and investigate topics of interest. For example, your role model may be into public speaking. Study uponvideos ofthebest public speakers and their tips for improvement.Themore you learnthebetter you will get, and seeking your own educational path is justthestart.6. Revamp your social mediaSocial media is a large component of your representation of self - albeit digitally. If you want to find role models online, you have to follow content that helps you desire better for yourself. Completely refine who you followonvarious platforms. Only follow content that feeds to your mission to be a better person. These digital profiles of individuals are no less role models than those you know in real life. Due totheamount of time spentonsocial media platforms, this content influences your beliefs and habits tremendously. Curate inspirational content for yourself that can improve your life while learning from those you admire.7. Contact them directly for assistanceIf you discovered a role modelontheInternet or in real life, it is never a bad idea to reach out to them. Dont expect a response - especially if they are pretty well-known. However, you never know what kind of relationship can manifest from your effort to connect. If you contact them digitally, you may foster a relationship that starts casual and ends up amounting to an in- person friendship. It is worththerisk, and if nothing else, just to express your gratitude for their impactonyour life.Melinda Garvey is the founder ofOn The Dot Woman, which each day shares the story of an incredible woman who has stepped off the cliff and is making it happen.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

4 Key Social Media Insights on How CFOs Use Twitter

4 Key Social Media Insights on How CFOs Use Twitter4 Key Social Media Insights on How CFOs Use TwitterThese days everyone is on social media everyone that is but CFOs and other finance types, right? Not true at all. Finance professionals read blogs like this one, have LinkedIn accounts, share photos on Facebook, and even tweet out from time to time.The truth is social media is here to stay and it doesnt matter whether youre the CFO or a freshly minted junior accountant. And just because you dont have a blog or spend your time on Snapchat, youre still (increasingly) turning to social media to decide what to read, whom to connect with, and which vendors to consider.For CFOs in particular, getting comfortable with social media also offers the opportunity to tap into a much broader peer network, communicate with and gauge the sentiment of investors, better relate to your staff, and get a more hands-on perspective of why social technologies are disrupting industries.So how do senior fina nce executives engage on social media?My social insights firm Leadtail just released a report to shed some light on this very question by looking at the Twitter activity of 502 senior finance executives (CFOs and VPs of Finance) during the fourth quarter of 2013. Specifically, we analyzed 48,671 tweets and 3,395 shared links to better understand how CFOs describe themselves, what content they share, and who influences them on social media. Not surprisingly, many of the CFOs looked at came from major metros (New York and San Francisco Bay Area), which are typically ahead of the curve when it comes to technology adoption.Why Twitter activity? Because social media data has a leg up on other data sources such as surveys, polls and focus groups since it shows what people really do versus what they say they do.With that said, here are four key insights that came from the report that you should consider when using (or getting started with) social media1. Its okay to be who you areSure, se nior finance professionals use terms like CFO, VP, CPA, Finance, and Accounting in their Twitter bios. But they also include personal words like Family, Father, and Enthusiast. Plus its not all work and no play when it comes to what CFOs engage with on social media. Besides business, leadership, innovation, and healthcare, they also like to read and share about sports, holidays, and local events.So use social media to connect professionally and personally. Remember youre engaging with people so its okay to be human, too.2. Dont limit yourself to only one social networkThis may come as a surprise but CFOs arent just on LinkedIn. Many also share YouTube videos, and photos and status updates from Instagram and Facebook. Said another way, finance executives are like most people in that they use social media to share content from multiple social networks, especially during the holidaysWhether its the major social networks like LinkedIn, Facebook, or Twitter or up and comers like Instagra m, Vine, and SlideShare, discover which social networks make sense for you while experimenting with others, too.3. Build credibility by sharing both mainstream and industry contentContent is the lifeblood of social media. Its what we talk about and share. And for many business leaders, it comes from both mainstream and industry media sources. With the CFOs we looked at, their favorite content sources are The New York Times, Washington Post, Huffington Post, Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, and Business Insider. In particular, they showed the most interest in politics, current events, technology, leadership, and business.What content sources are fueling your social media efforts? Consider broadening your approach to include some of these top media sources if you want to be seen as in the know about the issues and trends facing CFOs today.4. Become influential with your target audienceOne of the many benefits of social media is its ability to help you build an audience of friends, col leagues, and contacts who have the same interests as you. In the context of business, this can mean prospective customers (or employers) and others influential to the success of your business or personal brand. On Twitter, we gain insights into influence based on how often someone is retweeted or mentioned. For the CFOs we looked at, they liked to retweet and mention articles from the WSJ, Forbes, Mashable, and HarvardBiz.Who do you want to connect and become influential with? This is an important question to answer as you build your own social audience. With that in mind, start sharing and engaging those publications, brands and people that influence your target audience. This will put you on the path to becoming influential with them, tooThe full social insights report on CFOs also includes the list of the top 25 business and technology content sources and the 50 publications, brands, and people most retweeted by CFOs.If youd like a full copy of the report you can download it here (free registration required).This post welches authored by Carter Hostelley, CEO of Leadtail.Want more insights on how to succeed in your finance career, and build and manage a winning team? Subscribe to the Robert Half newsletterSUBSCRIBE NOW

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Resume Checklist Where Are You Going Wrong

Resume Checklist Where Are You Going WrongResume Checklist Where Are You Going Wrong200Imagine you spentcountless hours pouring all of your hard-earned recognition and accomplishments into a one- to two-page document. Youtailored that document specific to theposition youapplied to, waiting weeks to hear back. And then you receiveda letter of denial or cameto terms with the fact that you werentgoing to be hearing back from your dream job/company. Where did you go wrong on your resume checklist?Weve all been in this position as professionals, and its not a fun distributionspolitik to be in.You might be wondering what, specifically, you included or didnt include on your resume that might have turned your potential employer off, and what you could have done better to land that dream job.This list of 16 resume dos is designed to help you sort through those questions and design a resume that will not leave you wondering what you could have done better in the future.Check out thisresume che cklist___ Think quality over quantity. Take the time to consider whether or not you are a good match for the job/company and if its worth your time to apply.___ Personalize each and every resume and cover letter to be specific to the company/job you are applying for.___ Clearly outline your professional strengths and what you specifically can add to the company. ___ Add a link to your professional social media sites, such as LinkedIn and Twitter. ___ For professionals who work in web-related or design industries, consider adding a link to your online portfolio. ___ Use action verbs to spruce up your resume. Powerful action verbs, such as designated, managed, and allotted, will help captivate your audience.___ Include both recent and relevant work experience. The general guideline is to only include experience as far back as 15 years- your future employer doesnt care about your high school job pumping gas at your local marina.___ When reviewing your resume, make sure your font select ion is consistent throughout, as well as your spacing and punctuation. ___ Include enough whitespace to create a contrast on your resume. There is nothing more daunting to try and read through than a completely filled up resume. ___ Write your resume with the Application Tracking Systems (ATS) in mind. Many companies use an ATS to sort through the thousands of resumes received. Be smart and give your resume the aussicht to beat the system and make it through to the next round. Many ATS systems use the same keywords found in the job description, so be sure to include some of those in your resume. Try using a fun tool like TagCrowd to visualize your keywords.___ Keep your resume clean, simple, and readable. Avoid adding tacky and outdated clip art or colored backgrounds. ___ List a combination of soft and hard skills. Many professionals are quick to list soft skill sets such as communication skills, but be sure to balance it out with more specific, hard skill sets as well. Its all abo ut the balance. ___ Quantify your achievements. Mentioning your ability to effectively increase revenues is great, but if you can list specific deliverables, such as increased annual revenues by over $20,000, then your resume is sure to stand out over others.___ Meticulously proofread your application materials. Use services such as Grammarly, and/or have a friend proofread them too.___ If you dont have a friend/colleague to review your application, consider sending it to a professional to review.___ Last but not least, always tell the truth on your resume. Lying on your resume is never a good idea.Onceyouve put all this hard work into your resume, dont let it get squished. If youre traveling to in-person job interviews store your resume and other paper application materials in a neat folder, as opposed to pulling them out wrinkled from your bag or briefcase.Finally, bring extra copies of your resume in the event that there are multiple interviewers.There you have it This all-encomp assing resume checklist will ideally put you in the position of turning down job offers and out of the role of wondering where you went wrong.Readers, how many of theseresume tips have you used? Are there any others on your own resume checklist? Please share with our members in the comments below